Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Genesis: Chapter Eight

So God did not forget Noah and his clan
He had in fact a divine plan
Over the earth he sent a strong breeze
And so the waters began to decrease
The springs of the deep,
Had returned to their sleep
Heavens flood gates were totally closed
Stopping the rain that for forty days had been imposed
The water receded in a steady pace
Getting to dry land was not a race
After one hundred and fifty days
The water had gone down quite a ways
And then on the 17th of the 7th the ark came to rest
On Mount Ararat's comfortable crest
Right up to the tenth month, the waters went down
Until from outside the ark they saw something brown
The peaks of the mountains were clearly seen
The scene before them, colours of brown and green

Forty days went by and Noah opened up a window wide
Hoping to see the turning of the tide
So he sent out a raven to glide
And glide it did back and forth, looking for somewhere to abide
Until the water had dried up from the earth
And the planet was rejoicing in its new birth
He then sent a dove to see if the waters had gone from the ground
But alas, not a place like this could anywhere be found
So the dove to Noah did return
For the moment its quest for land it had to adjourn
Seven days later, the dove returned to its quest
This was done at Noah's behest
When the dove returned that very night
It had an olive leaf held in its bite
Noah knew then the waters had come all the way down
It was almost time to celebrate and no longer frown
Noah did wait another seven days
Then let the dove go on its way
This time the dove wherever it flew did stay

So on the 1st day of the 1st month of year six hundred and one
The land had dried up with the help of the sun
Noah removed the covering of the ark
It was like coming out of the dark
Noah could see, he didn't need to be a professional spy
That all around the ark the ground was completely dry

Then God spoke to Noah, let's leave the ark you and your clan,
All the animals as well, come and be a part of my ground plan
Don't think about it, it's not something you think you can try
Just go out and do it, be fruitful and multiply
So Noah and his family all came out
One by one the animals walked without doubt

Then Noah built an altar to the Lord
Sacrificing clean animals and birds according to God's word
On the altar he sacrificed a burnt offering to his God
The Lord smelt the aroma and said in his heart,
Even though these humans are evil right from the very start
That every inclination of their heart is off the chart
In every aspect of their own life's song
They are in every respect totally wrong
I will never again destroy all creatures as here I have done
Of this flood you will never see a rerun

As long as the earth does endure
Of these things you can be sure
Seed-time and harvest time
Will continue in fine rhyme
Cold and heat, summertime and the winter season
Continuing on and on, there need be no special reason
Day time and Night time never ever ceasing
Staying the same, neither decreasing, or increasing

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Genesis: Chapter Seven

So God spoke to Noah, his man
He said it's time to get in the ark, yes you can!
You, and all your immediate relations
Because I have found you righteous in your generation

Take the animals that you know are clean
Take seven pairs that's fourteen
A male and its mate
Bring them both through the gate
Those animals who you know are unclean
Take one pair of them, and be keen
Take seven pairs of all the different birds
Keep them alive, that's the word
That you need to have heard

In just seven days
I will fulfill my word in all its ways
The earth will be filled with rain
For the world, it will be filled with sorrow and pain

The rain will come down for forty days and nights
Leaving many people with much more than a mere fright
Every living creature than I have made
Is destined from their existence to fade
So Noah obeyed God in everything
Whatever God said he did, with in his very steps a spring

Noah was 600 years when the floodwaters hit the earth
Preparing for a flood as he celebrated the day of his birth
He entered the ark with his family to escape the flood
And all the animals came two by two to save their blood
Clean and unclean, and animals that creep on the ground
If you looked through the ark they would all be found
This was just as God told Noah it would all go down
And sure enough seven days later the rains did come down

So in the six hundredth year of Noah's life
The world was about to face real trouble and strife
On the 17th of the 2nd was the actual date
God was on time, he's never early or late
The springs of the great deep all burst forth
Shooting water south, west, east and north
And the flood gates of heaven opened their doors
Pouring rain for 40 days smashing everything to the core
Mass destruction, more than the severest of wars
On that very day, when the sky became gray
And rain began to pour down in a heavy way
Noah and his wife, and Shem, Ham, and Japeth
Together with their wives, boarded the ark, to avoid death
With them were all the animals and birds and the one's that creep along the ground.
All the pairs of animals they had found
They all came to Noah to enter the ark
Knowing their choice was pretty stark
The animals were male and female of every living thing
Exactly what God told Noah to bring
Then with a bang, a loud noise erupted, was it a war?
No, it was God, shutting them in, he was closing the door

For forty days the flood kept rising, way, way, up
The ark floated, in the swirling waters, like a tea cup
Soon even the tallest mountains went under
Thinking you'd escape by climbing them was a total blunder
The water was so high; it went over the highest mountain peak
By a distance of fifteen cubits, this was not a small creek!

Every living thing that was not in the ark
They perished, died, wiped out. No more sparks
Birds, livestock, wild animals, the creatures that swim
And all of mankind, from the big to the slim
The clever to the dim
Everything on earth that had the breath of life
Died, cut down by a metaphorical knife
The only one who was left anywhere, was old Noah
And his family in the ark, rescued from the first Shoah

And the waters did flood the earth for 150 days long
Floating in the ark where it was safe and strong

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Genesis: Chapter Six

So as the world began to increase in population

Here on earth there developed an interesting situation

The daughters of men

Who were born to them

Were being gazed upon

It was the sons of God who were looking on

Saw they were beautiful, totally spot-on

And they married whoever they wanted

Picked anyone, they were not daunted

God was pretty angry with all this

God felt this was the opposite of bliss

Something was really totally amiss

So he said my Spirit can't contend with this for so long 

They are mortal, they die, these are the lyrics to their song

They shall now live to but one hundred and twenty

And even that number of years is totally plenty

So have you ever heard of these dudes, the Nephilim?

Let me tell you of them, I'll skim through their hymn

These dudes were around in these days,

And afterwards, for a little ways

They were the offspring of the sexual liaisons

Between man's daughters and God's sons

These men can only be described as the heroes of old

Brave, and renowned, truly men that were bold

God looked around at the world in its total degradation

Evil sin and greed before God in total condemnation

The very thought of evil was their only inclination

From their very heart, it was their recreation

The Lord was in mourning that he had ever made man

He was so troubled; he was developing a new game plan

So he said, seriously this just has not worked out

Maybe I'll just wipe out the lot of them, in one big rout

I'll get rid of all the animals and birds as well

Just destroy the lot in one great brief farewell

But as he was going to speak destructive words

Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord

So let me tell you the story of this Noah and his kin

He was a top notch bloke, not a man devoted to sin

He was righteous, blameless, faithful to his God

When other people all around were with God living roughshod

He understood the need to faithfully follow his Lord

He was also a family man

Had three sons, Japeth, Shem and Ham

The earth was totally corrupt in God's sight 

He looked around to him it was a blight

The world was full of ugly violence

Never ever giving God any obeisance

For all the people had corrupted their ways

Living in this evil all of their days

So God spoke to Noah, his one true man

And explained to him his major plan

He said I've had enough of all this rough stuff 

I'm getting rid of the lot of them, this is no bluff

So I'm going to destroy them, and this earth

Seriously my friend it does lack worth

So get ready and make yourself an ark

For on my mission you will embark

Make it out of Gopher wood

That material will really be good

Coat it with pitch on the inside and out

Follow my instructions, don't live in doubt

So how you will build it listen to me my man

For now I will tell you the total blue plans

The ark will be three hundred and fifty cubits long

Fifty cubits wide, thirty high, that is the rest of that song

Let a roof for the ark now be found

Leave one cubit below the roof an opening all the way around

Put a door in the side of the ark

And make three decks for that is my bench mark

So now I am going to bring the world's greatest ever flood 

They will be swamped with water, mud, and other crud

Everything on earth is destined to perish

Barring you and your family who I truly cherish

So I establish with you a covenant

So be listening and accepting, don't be truculent

You will enter the ark with your wife, and your sons

They will bring their wives, my rescue will be done

So you have a job to do now

Get some animals for your journey, from the sow to the cow

Two of all living birds, wild beasts, of all the animals alive

That is the way they will survive

You need to take all kinds of food to eat

Salty, savoury, sour, and sweet

Store the food for you and for them, store it away

Save it for a truly rainy day

Noah was obedient, following the light,

Everything God said to do, he got it 100% right

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Genesis: Chapter Five

So now let's look at Adam and his family line,
Lot's of numbers and names but its all pretty fine.

When God created humanity he created them in his image,
Male and female, without any damage,
(This was prior to sin having its carnage)
He blessed them and to them he assigned,
From the moment of creating them the label mankind

Adam was 130 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Seth was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
For another 800 years did Adam live,
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give.
Then after a grand total of 930 years in all,
Like the way of all men to death he did fall.

Seth was 105 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Enosh was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
For another 807 years did Seth live,
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give.
Then after a grand total of 912 years in all,
Like the way of all men to death he did fall.

Enosh was 90 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Kenan was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
For another 815 years did Enosh live,
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give.
Then after a grand total of 905 years in all,
Like the way of all men to death he did fall.

Kenan was 70 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Mahalalel was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
For another 840 years did Kenan live,
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give.
Then after a grand total of 910 years in all,
Like the way of all men to death he did fall.

Mahalalel was 65 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Jared was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
For another 830 years did Mahalalel live,
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give.
Then after a grand total of 895 years in all,
Like the way of all men to death he did fall.

Jared was 162 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Enoch was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
For another 800 years did Jared live,
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give.
Then after a grand total of 962 years in all,
Like the way of all men to death he did fall.

Enoch was 65 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Methuselah was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
For another 300 years did Enoch walk,
In God with faithfulness, he did more than mere talk.
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give,
While living for God was his motivation to live.
Then after a grand total of 365 years to a day
He was then no more for God took him away.

Methuselah was 187 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Lamech was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
For another 782 years did Methuselah live,
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give.
Then after a grand total of 969 years in all,
Like the way of all men to death he did fall.

Lamech was 182 years old,
This story can be told,
When in his image he had a son,
His family growing one by one,
Noah was the name given to him,
So we write this narrative with some vim,
Lamech said Noah would provide comfort by his hand,
To the people suffering in the cursed land
For another 595 years did Lamech live,
Many sons and daughters to birth he did give.
Then after a grand total of 777 years in all,
Like the way of all men to death he did fall.

After half a millennium, or five hundred years,
Noah had thee sons and gave three cheers.
Shem, Ham and Japeth he did name these three.
That was his official decree,